New year came and we came up with new life resolutions & new you...
Unfortunately, all the time there are people who try to bring you down and drag you to your past...
I just made a promise to myself that I am gonna be a new person and gonna change all the bad things about me.
However, that will never happen because people always judge me based on my past. That means, whatever I try to do they will consider me as a bad person and cannot be trusted anymore.
I don't know whether I will be able to live in this kind of environment forever. I am stuck in the middle of life. To move forward at the same path will definitely give a smile on my face but full of torn. And To change my path will be very impossible.
It's only 3rd January, 2015 and my heart started to cry... The reality is just too hard to accept. As if there is no happiness will come on my way.
Should I keep on moving at the same road? I know it was the road I always wanted... But since my past is always there to be judge and questioned, should I stick with it? There is no chance for me to be a new person. Because for them, I am only me... For them I will always the bad person.